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Engraving Made Easy
If you have ever been frustrated trying to engrave using european gravers that can slip on the shell surface then you may really like this alternative.
Here in Viet Nam they have used these very simple engraving tools for many years.
They are made from mild steel with an insert of high carbon tool steel (Like that used in Japanese chisels) welded into each of two opposite ends.
They hold an edge very well but if needed you can switch to the other end.
You must be careful not to stick yourself with the end not being used.
The beauty of these is that you use your finger or thumb as a fulcrum point. That will give you very good control and help avoid the slipping and scratches cause by western tools when they slip out of control.
You can watch the attached short video showing how this tool is used.
For those of you who have welding skills and the equipment available this is an easy tool to make.
If you are not able to do that we sell these for $20.00 each.
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